The conditions of personal data processing

In accordance with Articles 6, 9, and 10 of the Federal Law No. 152-FZ as of 27.07.2006 “On the personal information ” I confirm my consent to the processing of my personal data by “Children’s Clinic” Ltd.

I give my consent to the processing of my personal data with medical and prophylactic purposes, for diagnostics, for rendering medical and social services, for accounting and systematization of provided services, and also to improve the quality of customer service, and to implement marketing programs and statistical studies.

I give my consent to the processing of the following personal data: the first name, last names, and patronymic, sex, date of my child’s birth, contact telephone number(s), e-mail address, information about health, diseases, reasons for the use of medical care.

To improve the service quality and to implement marketing programs, I confirm my consent to receive the information about “Children’s clinic” Ltd. services via SMS, e-mail or telephone using the e-mail address and the number indicated above.

Children’s clinic” Ltd has the right to process my personal data by entering it into the electronic database, including the lists and reporting forms required by the corresponding regulating documents.

I have been informed that I have the right to recall my consent to personal data processing (including my consent to receive information about services via e-mail, SMS, telephone) by filing the application to “Children’s clinic” Ltd, and to get an access to my personal data in person or by sending a letter of inquiry.

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Dental Fantasy
children’s dentistry
children's clinic
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